Mixed Feelings

Længde: 78 min.
  • Instrueret af
  • Guy Davidi

A heartwarming portrait of cultural resistance. Amir Orian had achieved every artist's dream: a promising career at Israel’s Habima National Theater and a flourishing presence on TV and in film. However, when no theater would accept his critical stance on Israeli society, Amir took matters into his own hands, founding ’The Room Theater’—an acting school and performance space within the very house where he grew up. On the day a new group of acting students arrives to see one of his provocative works, Israel launches a massive attack on Gaza at the end of 2008. This event sparks a painful confrontation between Amir’s controversial teachings and his patriotic students. Academy Award-nominated and Emmy Award-winning director Guy Davidi crafts a powerful film that captures the ongoing collapse of Israel’s civil society through the lens of an artist who passionately believes in the transformative power of art.
Kilde: Camera Film

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