Cicle Gaudí: 'Upon Entry'

Længde: 77 min.
  • Instrueret af
  • Alejandro Rojas
  • Juan Sebastian Vasquez
  • Medvirkende
  • Bruna Cusi
  • Alberto Ammann
  • Ben Temple
  • Laura Gomez Diego

A Venezuelan urban planner, and Elena, a contemporary dancer from Barcelona, move to the United States with their visas approved to start a new life. Their intention is to boost their professional careers and start a family in ‘the land of opportunity.’ But upon entering the immigration area of the New York airport, they are taken to the secondary inspection room, where customs agents subject them to an unpleasant inspection process and a psychologically grueling interrogation, in an attempt to discover if the couple has something to hide.

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Der er pt. ingen forestillinger på denne film.